Our Content Policy

Interseed is a digital house of prayer. You can post, comment, vote, discuss, learn, debate, support, and connect with people who share your common Christian faith. In the App, find like-minded believers who together to praise and seek God, His heart and to pray and uphold one another, in a culture of honour, respect and above all, love.

Below the rules governing each community are the platform-wide rules that apply to everyone on Interseed. These rules are enforced by us.

Rule 1 - Be Responsible

You are responsible for any activity that occurs under your screen name or Account. You are solely responsible for your conduct and any Content. Remember that the App is a place for creating community and belonging, and not for attacking marginalised, vulnerable, or specific groups of people. Everyone has a right to use the App free of harassment, bullying and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote harassment or hate will be banned.

Rule 2 - Be Authentic

Post authentic content into Interseed and the groups where you have a personal interest.  Do not engage in content manipulation or otherwise interfere with or disrupt Interseed, the groups or any users.

You do not have to use your real name, but do not impersonate an individual or entity in a misleading or deceptive manner.

Rule 3 - Respect Privacy

Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post Content which could harm another person without their consent.

Rule 4 - Be Real

You do not have to use your real name, but do not impersonate an individual or entity in a misleading or deceptive manner.

Rule 5 - Keep it Legal and Don’t to Objectionable Things.

Keep it legal, and avoid posting illegal content or soliciting or facilitating illegal or prohibited transactions

Do not send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use, or re-use any material which: