Creating an Account

To setup your Interseed account:

  1. Download Interseed from the App store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Tap Create New Account, then enter your email address and password and tap Next.
  4. You may also choose to Log In via Social Media to sign up with popular social media accounts such as Facebook, Google+, and Apple (iPhone).

You’ll be prompted to complete your registration by adding a profile picture, Displayed Name, and a unique username.

Updating your Interseed profile Information

To update your profile information such as, your username and email address associated with your account:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Tap the Edit Button
  3. Type in your information and tap Done.

Choosing a username

Your username is unique to you, and allows other Interseed users to find you.

You will be prompted to create an @username when you first sign up with Interseed. If you wish to change it at any time, you can do it by updating your profile information.

Creating your first post

Make your first Interseed post and join a community of believers!

To create a new post:

  1. Tap + at the bottom navigation bar.